Personal Computer World 2005 October
XAMPP 1.4.14
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108 lines
; Sample "List of lists" for Mercury/32.
; Copyright (c) 1993-98 David Harris, all rights reserved.
; The "List of lists" contains definitions for every mailing list
; serviced by the running copy of Mercury.
; Each list definition begins with the short name of the list which
; must be on a line of its own flush against the left margin:
; subsequent lines, which define fields in the list definition, must
; be indented using at least one space.
; The following keywords can be used when defining a list (M/O indicates
; whether the field is MANDATORY or OPTIONAL).
; Keyword M/O Description
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; FILE M The filename which contains the list members
; TITLE O Descriptive text added to the list address
; MODERATOR O List maintainer/owner's address (may be used multiply)
; MODERATED O If Y, only list moderators may post to the list
; PUBLIC O If N, only list moderators may add members to the list
; (using the Maiser "add" and "remove" commands).
; WELCOME O Name of a text file to mail to new subscribers
; FAREWELL O Name of a text file to mail when a member unsubscribes
; ENUMERATE O If N, Maiser will not supply the list membership
; REPLY_TO_LIST O If Y, messages with no REPLY-TO field will have one
; added which points to the list itself.
; RESTRICTED O If Y, only members may post to the list
; FANOUT O Number of jobs to create when exploding the list
; ANONYMOUS O If Y, originator information will be suppressed on
; mail sent to the list; if T (totally anonymous),
; then the Mercury log entry will also be suppressed.
; ERRORS_TO O Optional address to specify in the message envelope
; (kosher RFC821/1123-compliant mail systems will send
; errors associated with the message to this address).
; LIMIT O Maximum number of subscribers for this list.
; ARCHIVE O Name of a file into which to archive messages sent to
; the list. You can use the following special sequences
; in the filename:
; ~Y Year (2 digits)
; ~M Month (1 or 2 digits)
; ~D Day (1 or 2 digits)
; ~W Current week in the year.
; DIGEST_NAME O Name of the temporary file Mercury should use to
; store digest information. If this keyword is absent,
; the list will not support digests. The filename must
; NOT have a path - it will be created in the location
; pointed to by the "scratch" keyword in the [Mercury]
; section of MERCURY.INI.
; DIGEST_MAXSIZE O Maximum size for a digest in bytes. Once a digest
; exceeds this size it will be sent immediately. The
; default is 32MB (ie, no practical limit).
; DIGEST_MAXWAIT O How often digests should be sent out in whole hours.
; The default is 24 hours, which results in digests
; being sent once each day.
; DIGEST_DEFAULT O Y or N: if 'Y', then new subscribers to the list will
; automatically be added in digest mode.
; LIST_SIGNATURE O Filename; if present, represents a text fragment
; that should be added automatically to all mail
; distributed to the list.
; LIST_HELP O URL added to outgoing messages; where subscribers
; can get assistance with subscription matters.
; LIST_HEADERS O Y or N, default N: if Y, Mercury will add specially-
; formatted headers allowing automated subscription and
; unsubscription from the list (Y is recommended).
; CONCEALED O Y or N; if Y, the Maiser LIST command will not
; report this list.
; MAXIMUM_SIZE O Integer - messages larger than this number of
; bytes may not be distributed to the list. 0 means
; "no limit".
; For technocrats, there is also the TITLE_IS_ADDRESS keyword; if present
; and set to Y, this tells Mercury that the TITLE field contains a full,
; legal, domain-extended RFC822 address and forces it to suppress its
; usual address formation rules for the list. This is the ONLY way to
; control the actual list address Mercury will print in mail sent to the
; list and should be used with extreme care, since invalid addresses can
; cause mail storms.
File: sys:system/mercury/winpmail.lis
Title: WinPMail testers list
Moderator: D.Harris@pmail.gen.nz
Moderated: N
Fanout: 6
Public: N
Archive: sys:system/mercury/winpm~m.arc
File: sys:system/mercury/testl.lis
Title: ""Test List" <test-l@pmail.gen.nz>"
Title_is_address: Y
Welcome: sys:system/mercury/testlw.txt
Farewell: sys:system/mercury/testlf.txt
Moderator: D.Harris@pmail.gen.nz
Moderated: N
Restricted: N
Errors_to: david@parnassus.pmail.gen.nz
Reply_to_list: Y
Anonymous: T
Public: N
Digest_name: TESTL.DIG
Digest_maxsize: 1
Archive: sys:system/mercury/tt~m~y~w.arc